Thursday, October 20, 2011


Madaktari wasema anaumwa Personality Disorder
Steven Charles Kanumba ni staa mkubwa Bongo. Jina lake kwa sasa lina hadhi ya kimataifa. Inawezekana akawa ndiye msanii kijana mwenye mvuto kijamii kuliko mwingine yeyote.

Mvuto wake unatambulika ndiyo maana makampuni mengi ya kibiashara na kijamii hupenda kumtumia kama balozi wao. Kanumba ni fahari ya Tanzania, ni kivutio cha vijana wengi wa kizazi kipya.

Lengo la makala haya ni kumshauri Kanumba. Pamoja na sifa nyingi alizonazo kuna makosa machache huwa anayafanya, hivyo anahitaji kupokea ushauri ambao utamsaidia kuepuka visa vya hapa na pale ambavyo humvunjia heshima.

Hapa kuna baadhi ya matukio ambayo yamewahi kuripotiwa, hivyo kumchafua Kanumba, kwa hiyo anapaswa kujitenga nayo ili heshima yake ibaki kuwa juu.

MOSI: Ugomvi na aliyekuwa mpenzi wake, Wema Sepetu mpaka kufikia hatua ya kupelekana polisi.

PILI: Sylvia Shally alikuwa mpenzi wake lakini naye waligombana mpaka kufikishana polisi. Mrembo huyo alitinga ubaoni akidai Kanumba alimtishia maisha.

TATU: Alizama kwenye dimbwi la mahaba (kama alivyodai mwenyewe) na Miss Ilala 2003, Nargis Mohamed. Walipoachana, alifunguka kuwa mrembo huyo ambaye kwa sasa ni mke wa mtu, alikuwa anamtesa sana.
NNE: Anadaiwa kuwa na uhusiano wa siri na Aunt Ezekiel (ingawa wote wanakanusha), juzikati walitibuana, kisha yeye alimpa mitama mrembo huyo na kusababisha soo hilo litinge polisi.

Kwa nini kila siku ugomvi na wanawake? Inakuwaje polisi na yeye kwa makosa ambayo yana alama za kimapenzi?
Daktari aliye pia bingwa wa saikolojia, Godfrey Chale aliiambia Showbiz kuwa tatizo linalomsumbua Kanumba linaitwa Personality Disorder na tiba yake ni ushauri na nasaha.
“Personality Disorder ina matawi mawili, inferior (kujihisi unyonge) na superior (kujiona unahitaji kuogopwa). Vitu hivyo hutengeneza wivu na migogoro mingi (conflicts).

“Mtu kama huyo atakuwa anajiona superior, kwa hiyo hujikuta ana chembechembe za dharau kwa kuamini ni maarufu na ni lazima mpenzi wake amnyenyekee. Ikiwa atakutana na hali tofauti, mfano akigundua mwenzi wake hafuati anavyotaka au anamsaliti, kwa kawaida hujisikia vibaya.

“Ile tabia ya kujiona superior ndiyo humfanya ashindwe kukubali matokeo hasi kutoka kwa mwenzi wake, kwani anaamini yeye ni mtu wa kunyenyekewa. Kutokana na hilo, ndiyo maana hupata kesi za kugombana au kusumbuana na wapenzi wake kwa sababu ya kutokubali matokeo,” alisema Dk. Chale ambaye ana hospitali binafsi, pia hutoa ushauri wa afya kupitia magazeti ya Global Publishers.

Dokta Patrick Mirumbe wa Hospitali ya Capricorn alisema: “Tatizo lake ni wivu. Hiyo naweza kuzungumza kwa kifupi na tiba yake ni ushauri na nasaha. Akipata ushauri wa kutosha anaweza kubadilika na kuwa mtu safi.

Mwanasaikolojia ambaye hutoa ushauri wake kwenye magazeti ya Global Publishers, Richard Manyota alisema kuwa jambo ambalo Kanumba anapaswa kushika ili kuepukana na vitu ambavyo vinaweza kushusha heshima yake ni kujitambua.

“Katika makundi ya saikolojia, lipo linaloitwa Legal Psychology. Hili linamtaka mtu atambue mazingira anayoishi na ufahamu wake. Kanumba anatakiwa ajijue yeye ni mtu maarufu na heshima yake ipo juu, kwa hiyo asipojitambua itakuwa tatizo sana.

“Namuomba Kanumba ajijue yeye ni nani, awe mwepesi kuepukana na shari ndogo ndogo ambazo mwisho wake huwa ni mbaya, kama kupelekana polisi. Nadhani akijitambua, akiwa mwepesi kuelewa dalili za ugomvi, ataweza kujirekebisha.
“Anaweza kwenda kwa washauri zaidi lakini hapa mimi nampa kitu muhimu zaidi na akishike. Anaweza kuishi kwa amani maisha yake yote bila migogoro. Akijitambua, hata anapoachana na wapenzi wake, amani itatawala na hakutakuwa na fujo za polisi,” Manyota.

Naamini kuwa maneno ya madaktari akiyashika sawasawa pia ushauri wa mwisho wa mwanasaikolojia Manyota, bila shaka atashinda mitihani inayomkabili. Lengo ni kuona heshima yake inazidi kupaa juu na msimamo ni kwamba Kanumba bila polisi inawezekana.

Ninachokiona mimi hapo Kanumba feels SUPERIOR anataka hao wadada washuke chini mara zote wamnyenyekee yeye tuu, anasahau kuwa mwanamke anahitaji kubembelezwa pia, halafu kibaya zaidi anao date nao pia ni ma 'super star' - hakika mafahali wawili hawakai zizi moja.


Abraham Lincoln, the son of a farmer, was born near Hodgenville, Kentucky, on 12th February, 1809. Although his parents were virtually illiterate, and he spent only a year at school, he developed a love of reading. In March 1830, the Lincoln family moved to Illinois.

After helping his father clear and fence his father's new farm, Lincoln moved to New Salem, where he worked as a storekeeper, postmaster and surveyor. He took a keen interest in politics and supported the Whig Party. In 1834 Lincoln was elected to the Illinois State Legislature where he argued that the role of federal government was to encourage business by establishing a national bank, imposing protective tariffs and improving the country's transport system.

In his spare time Lincoln continued his studies and became a lawyer after passing his bar examination in 1836. There was not much legal work in New Salem and the following year he moved to Springfield, the new state capital of Illinois.

In November, 1842, Lincoln married Mary Todd, the daughter of a prosperous family from Kentucky. The couple had four sons: Robert Lincoln (1843-1926), Edward Baker Lincoln (1846-50), William Lincoln (1850-62) and Thomas Lincoln (1853-1871). Three of the boys died young and only Robert lived long enough to marry and have children.

In 1844 Lincoln formed a legal partnership with William Herndon. The two men worked well together and shared similar political views. Herndon later claimed that he was instrumental in changing Lincoln's views on slavery.

In 1856 Lincoln joined the Republican Party and challenged Stephen A. Douglas for his seat in the Senate. Lincoln was opposed to Douglas's proposal that the people living in the Louisiana Purchase (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, the Dakotas, Montana, and parts of Minnesota, Colorado and Wyoming) should be allowed to own slaves. Lincoln argued that the territories must be kept free for "poor people to go and better their condition".

Lincoln won the presidential election with with 1,866,462 votes (18 free states) and beat Stephen A. Douglas (1,375,157 - 1 slave state), John Beckenridge (847,953 - 13 slave states) and John Bell (589,581 - 3 slave states).

Abraham Lincoln was a curious and thoughtful man. As a child his curiosity led him to become far more learned than the average farm boy. His thirst for knowledge kept him up long winter nights to read by the light of pine knots. After leaving home, he was reported to pack his saddlebags full of newspapers and books to read during his travels. The world around him provided endless fascination.

Mr. Lincoln's innocent curiosity was rarely tainted with intellectualism or the appearance of learned behaviors. Occasionally, he was inclined to read such as the Iliad. Most commonly, Mr. Lincoln was found reading newspapers, much to the dismay of his friends and associates. He compared the press's view of world events from any source he could find. The news was his passion. When he wasn't reading about it, he was usually writing about it. His commentary and correctional letters to news editors were a regular occurrence throughout his life. Perhaps his close relationship with the press explains his unexpectedly successful political life.


·        The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
·        You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can not fool all the people all of the time.
·        Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.
·        I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
·        It is best not to swap horses while crossing the river.
·        Whatever you are, be a good one.
·        Human action can be modified to some extent, but human nature cannot be changed.
·        If I am killed, I can die but once; but to live in constant dread of it, is to die over and over again.
·        We shall sooner have the bird by hatching the egg than by smashing it.
·        When you have got an elephant by the hind leg, and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run.
·        Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
·        Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it.
·        Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.
·        Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed, is more important than any other one thing.
·        If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it.